Patternmaking & Design
Dobbie provide a wide range of design services. From basic concept/pure idea to reverse engineering of samples or just adapting existing drawings to accommodate any changes required, Dobbie provide a comprehensive offering. The design team offers CAD drawings typically in Autocad or Inventor but any of the standard design software demands can be accommodated. Additionally, Dobbie facilities include a ‘Makerbot – Replicator 2, 3D printer which can be utilised for scaled models, prototypes or even obviating pattern costs on suitable small jobs.
Once the design process is complete Dobbie provides a fully equipped pattern making facility to accommodate the requirements of pattern manufacture. The work shop has capability of producing patterns in aluminium, fibreglass or polyurethane, although most are constructed from timber. Patterns can be built from scratch from drawings or existing patterns can be repaired. Dobbie has full CNC capacity through both in-house equipment and third party relationships. Clear communications is key to producing quality patterns to client specifications and the Dobbie team pride themselves on producing durable and accurate quality patterns.